Amanda Kingsmith is founder of M.B.Om. Mastering the Business of Yoga and runs the Facebook group, Yoga Business Badasses.

In this episode of The Studio Prosperity Podcast, Amanda and I discuss the challenges many yoga teachers and studio owners face in this industry and creating a sustainable business for themselves. 

We talk about how Amanda got started, from her move from the corporate world into traveling the world with her boyfriend, Ryan, to diving into the world of yoga and the problem she faced coming out of her yoga teacher training–the business side of yoga. 

Amanda share the goal of helping those in the health and wellness industry, specifically the yoga space, find a life of abundance and prosperity. 

In her podcast, M.B.Om, Amanda interviews experts in the field to discuss everything from resumes to insurance to email marketing as well as inspiring other yogipreneurs to find their voice. 

You can find more information about Amanda Kingsmith on her website, and I highly suggest taking a listen to her podcast. And of course, join her Facebook group, Yoga Business Badasses.

And if you could spare a few minutes to subscribe to The Studio Prosperity Podcast and leave us a rating and review, that would be amazing. 

Until next time, SPribe! 



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